Valdor Haglund, C.R.N.A., M.S.
Professor Emeritus
Office Location
EACPHS, Room 4603
Nurse Anesthesia
Valdor Haglund, C.R.N.A., M.S.
Degrees and Certifications
- MS in Anesthesia, 1983, Wayne State University
- BS in Anesthesia with Distinction, 1981, Wayne State University
- Diploma in Nursing, 1976, Henry Ford Hospital School of Nursing
Licenses & Certifications
- NBCRNA Certification
- Michigan RN License & CRNA Specialty License
- Basic & Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Positions and Employment
- Staff Nurse, Henry Ford Hospital, 1976-1979
- Staff Nurse, Orlando Regional Medical Center, 1977
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Detroit Receiving Hospital, 1981-2016
- Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Hutzel Hospital, Assistant Coordinator, 1982-1986
- Supervisor/Technical Consultant, Anesthesia Critical Care STAT Lab, Detroit Receiving Hospital 1988-2016
- Director, Dept of Anesthesia, PACU, Detroit Receiving Hospital, 2008-2010
- Director, Perioperative Services, Detroit Receiving Hospital, 2010-2015
- Chief CRNA, Dept of Anesthesia, Detroit Receiving Hospital, 2015-2016
- PRN/Contingent CRNA, NorthStar-Detroit Receiving Hospital, 2016-2019
Military Experience
- United States Air Force Security Service (USAFSS) Top Secret Clearance, Sergeant (E-4), Morse Intercept Operator (Tours in Hakata, Japan & Osan, Korea), 1968-1972
- United States Army Reserve, 323rd General Hospital, Army Nurse Corps, Major O-4, 66F, Southfield, Michigan, 1984-1992
- Air Force Outstanding Unit Citation w/ gold leaf cluster
- Air Force Overseas Ribbon
- Air Force Good Conduct Medal
- Air Force Length of Service Medal
- National Defense Service Medal
- U.S. Army Foreign Service Medal
- U.S. Army Commendation Medal
- U.S. Army Length of Service Ribbon
Awards and Honors
- John F. Garde Award for Teaching Excellence, 1986
- WSU Presidential Bonus Award, 1991
- John F. Garde Award for Teaching Excellence, 1996
- AANA Didactic Instructor of the Year, 1999
- MANA Guiding Light Award, April 2003
- Wayne State University Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences Teaching Excellence Award, 2004
- WSU Nurse Anesthesia Didactic Instructor of the Year [awarded - Class of 2005]
- DMC 2010 Employee Engage Survey Honoree [DRH]
Professional Memberships
- American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists
- American Society of Regional Anesthesia
- Society for Airway Management
Recent Publications
- Nurse Anesthesia: Handbook, 2nd Edition, Nagelhout J, Zaglaniczny K, Haglund V., W.B. Saunders Company, St. Louis, 1997
- In Nurse Anesthesia: Pre-Test, Self-Assessment & Review, (Chapter: Airway Monitoring), Edited by Gerbasi, F., McGraw-Hill Publishers, New York, 1997
- In Nurse Anesthesia, 5th Edition: Chapter 35 – Thermal Injury & Anesthesia, Nagelhout J, Plaus K, W.B. Saunders/Elsevier Company, St. Louis, 2014.
- In Nurse Anesthesia, 6th Edition: Chapter 39 – Thermal Injury & Anesthesia, Nagelhout J, Plaus K, W.B. Saunders/Elsevier Company, St. Louis, 2017.
- In Nurse Anesthesia, 7th Edition: Chapter 39 – Anesthesia for the Burned Patient, Nagelhout J, Elisha, Elsevier Company, St. Louis, 2017. Co-author: Jessica Phillips, 2022.
- Anesthetic Considerations in the Patient with a Pacemaker, MANA, Traverse City 1986
- Review of the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram, Wayne State University Senior Seminar, Troy 1988
- Myocardial Cell Physiology, Northwest Anesthesia Seminars, Nashville 1988, Orlando 1988
- EKG Dysrhythmia Workshop, Northwest Anesthesia Seminars, Atlanta 1989, Pittsburgh 1989
- Intraoperative Dysrhythmias: Mechanisms, Recognition & Treatment, MANA, Novi 1990
- Cardiac Dysrhythmias, Northwest Anesthesia Seminars, Denver 1990
- The Electrocardiogram in Anesthesia: Arrhythmias, Treatment and Pacemakers, MANA, Troy 1992
- Review: Pulse Oximetry, Capnography, Arrhythmias and Pacemakers, Certification Examination Review, Professional CRNA Educators: Oct 1990, Jun 1991, Oct 1991, 1993, 1993, Novi MI
- Pharmacology and Use of Mivacurium, MANA, Traverse City, Oct 1992
- Arrhythmias and Their Management, U-M Flint School of Nurse Anesthesia, Nov 1992, 1993, 1994
- Fiberoptic Endoscopy, MANA, Ypsilanti, Feb 1993
- The Difficult Airway: Fiberoptic Endoscopy, William Beaumont Hospital - Anesthesia, Sept 1993
- Regional Anesthesia Workshop: Spinal & Epidural, Mt. Clemens Genl Hospital-Anesthesia, Jan 1994
- Neuromuscular Blockade Monitoring, William Beaumont Hospital – Anesthesia, Feb 1994
- To Reverse or Not to Reverse, MANA,Traverse City, Sept 1995
- Fiberoptic Endoscopy, Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia, Pasadena, April 1997
- 1st Int’l Anesthesia Seminar: Baltic States - Anesthesia & Crit Care Nurses, Riga, Latvia, May 1997
- 2nd Int’l Anesthesia Seminar: Baltic States – Anesthesia & Crit Care Nurses,Talinn, Estonia, May 1998
- 2nd Interregional Educational Symposium, Spinal Anes: Update I & II, Newport Beach, Aug 1998
- Fiberoptic Endoscopy (Lecture / Workshop), Oakland University - Nurse Anesthesia, Sept 1998
- 12-Lead EKG Review, MANA, Boyne Highlands, October 2-4, 1998
- Complicated EKGs - Intraoperative TEE, CANA / MANA Conference, Las Vegas, May 14 - 16, 1999
- Spinal & Epidural Anesthesia, Oakland University – Graduate Program, May – August, 2002
- Update/Review of Upper & Lower Extremity Regional Block, MANA, Mackinac Island, Oct 2000
- Perioperative Use of Transesophageal Doppler, WSU Annual Seminar, Dearborn, April 2001
- Perioperative Use of Transesophageal Echocardiography, Mt. Clemens Genl Hosp, Oct 2003
- Airway Procedures, Physicians Assistant – Grad Program, WSU, Mar 2004 & 2005
- The 12-Lead ECG, U-DM Fall Meeting, Boyne Highlands, June 2005
- Airway: What’s Hot….What’s Not, MANA, Crystal Mountain, Oct 2005
- Supraglottic Airways, Gastropharyngeal Devices & VLs, MANA, Las Vegas, May 2007
- Airway Management Devices & Fiberoptic Endoscope Use, Detroit Trauma Symposium, Nov 2009
- Airway: What’s Hot, What’s Not!, U-DMercy Seminar, Detroit, Nov 2017