Andrew Lipchik
Degrees and Certifications
- Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Genetics, 2021
Advisor: Michael P. Snyder, PhD
Focus: Contribution of IgG to the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in collaboration with Joshua W. Knowles and Justin P. Annes. - Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Ph.D., Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, 2013
Dissertation: Development of Tyrosine Kinase Peptide Biosensors and Methods of Detection
Advisor: Laurie L. Parker, PhD - Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
B.S., Chemistry, 2008
Thesis: Oxygen Activating Nickel(II) Complexes
Advisor: Craig M. Davis, PhD
Positions and Employment
- Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Wayne State University, 2021 – Present
- Co-Founder and Scientific Advisory Board Member of KinaSense, LLC, 2014 – Present
Awards and Honors
- American Diabetes Association Pathway to Stop Diabetes Program Initiator Award, 2018
Stanford University Nominee - US HUPO Career Development Award - Technologies, 2012
- Alpha Sigma Nu, 2008
National Honor Society of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
Professional Memberships
- American Chemical Society (ACS), 2008 – Present
- US Human Proteomics Organization (US HUPO), 2012 – Present
- American Diabetes Association (ADA), 2017 – Present
Primary Research Interest
Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University, 2014 – 2021
Department of Genetics, Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine
Developed a novel surrogate measurement of insulin sensitivity by measuring mitochondrial function following exposure to patient serum in response to various mitochondrial stimuli. This measurement is well correlated (R2 = 0.7) with insulin sensitivity as determined in the clinic by the modified insulin suppression test. Follow up investigations have identified IgG antibodies and their Fc region glycosylation as the mediators of this phenotype through the Fc receptor, FcRn. Administration of “healthy” IgG antibodies were demonstrated to provide prolonged re-sensitization of leptin-receptor deficient diabetic mice to insulin and significantly improved glucose levels.
Characterized B cell and autoantibody repertoires using next generation sequencing and ultra-high density peptide microarrays respectively in individuals with quantitative metabolic phenotyping. Insulin resistance was associated with reduced plasticity of the B cell repertoire as observed by static usage of V-J recombination, clonality, biochemical properties, and decreased somatic hypermutations over time. Additionally, insulin resistance individuals had a great number of autoreactive antibodies compared to insulin sensitive individuals. These phenotypes could be attributed to reduced expression of the inhibitory Fc receptor, FcR2B.
Graduate Research Assistant, Purdue University, 2009 – 2013
Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Developed computational tools for the analysis of phospho-proteomics data to design artificial proteins as tyrosine kinase specific biosensors for detection of kinase activity. Substrates were developed for a wide-range of applications, including mass spectrometry, fluorescence lifetime imaging, time-resolved lanthanide luminescence, and time-resolved luminescence energy transfer (TR-LRET) for multiplex detection of multiple tyrosine kinase activities.
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Xavier University, 2006 – 2008
Department of Chemistry
Performed research on the development of nickel(II) catalysts to activate oxygen as oxidizing agents. Designed and synthesized electron-donating ligands to incorporate into nickel(II) complexes and characterized complexes using spectroscopic techniques.
- Lipchik AM, Snyder MP, Annes JP, Lee S, and Narasimha AM. “Diagnostic assessment and treatment of insulin resistance and hyperglycemia.” US 63/114,425 (2020). Provisional Patent.
- Gruber JJ, Lipchik AM, and Geller BS. “High-throughput acetylation assay for the histone acetyltransferase HAT1.” International Application Number: PCT/US2020/029395 (2020). Pending.
- Parker LL, Lipchik AM, and Bolton SC “Tyrosine Kinase Biosensors and Methods of Use II.” US Patent 10,150,984 (2018).
- Parker LL, Irudayaraj JMK, Lipchik AM, and Damayanti NP. “Methods for detecting enzyme activity using fluorescence lifetime imaging.” US Patent 10,023,902 (2018).
- Parker LL, Lipchik AM, and Bolton SC “Tyrosine Kinase Biosensors and Methods of Use.” US Patent 9,499,854 (2016).
- Stanford SPARK Translational Research Grant, 2018-2020
Detection and Treatment of Insulin Resistance $75,000
Role: Co-PI - Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics (PHIND) Center at Stanford Seed Grant, 2018
IgG Glycosylation as a Scalable Biomarker of Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Health $50,000
Role: Co-PI - NRSA NIH/NIDDK F32 Fellowship, 2015 – 2017
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) individual postdoctoral fellowship NIH/NIDDK F32 DK104460 $165,000
Role: PI - Cancer Prevention Interdisciplinary Program Fellowship, 2011 –2012
A National Cancer Institute - funded education program that builds on the focus and expertise of cancer prevention interdisciplinary research at Purdue University - Dollens Life Sciences Scholarship, 2009 – 2010
Merit-based scholarship for graduate students studying in the broad area of hybrid cardiovascular devices including such sub-areas as implantable biomaterials design, drug-delivery systems, and biochemical sensors
Recent Publications
- Lipchik AM, DeMeo D, Johnson B, Gruber JJ, Zebarjadi N, McLaughlin T, and Snyder MP. “Insulin sensitivity is essential for plasticity and adaptability of peripheral B cell and antibody repertoires.” In preparation.
- Gruber JJ, Rangarajan A, Chou T, Geller BS, Baneulos S, Greenhouse R, Snyder MP, Lipchik AM. “An acetyl-click screening platform identifies a small molecule inhibitor of Histone Acetyltransferase 1 (HAT1) with anti-tumor activity.” Submitted.
- Lipchik AM#, Lee S, Narasimha AM, Gruber JJ, Geller B, Lui Q, Abbott CW, Banuelos S, McLaughlin T, Abbasi F, Knowles JW, Annes JP and Snyder MP#. “Immunoglobulin G sialylation as a mechanism and reversible pathogenic cause of insulin resistance.” Submitted.
- Van Bortle K, Marciano DP, Lui Q, Lipchik AM, Gollapudi S, Geller BS, Monte E, Kamakaka R, Snyder MP. “A developmental switch in RNA Polymerase III identity restricts transcription potential during cellular differentiation.” bioRxiv. 2021.04.21.440535; dio: Submitted.
- Lui Q, Wu H, Luo Q, Jiang C, Duren Z, …, Lipchik AM, …, Snyder MP. “Tyrosine kinase inhibitors induced mitochondrial dysfunction during cardiomyocyte differentiation through alteration of GATA4-mediated networks.” bioRxiv. 2020.05.04.077024; doi: Submitted.
- Joshi MK, Burton RA, Wu H, Lipchik AM, Craddock BP, Mo H, Parker LL, Miller WT and Post CB. “Substrate binding to Src: a new perspective on tyrosine kinase substrate recognition from NMR and molecular dynamics.” Protein Science. 29 (2): 250-359 (2020).
- Gruber JJ, Chen J, Geller B, Jager N, Lipchik AM, Wang G, Kurian A, Ford JM and Snyder, MP. “Chromatin Remodeling in Response to BRCA2-Crisis.” Cell Reports, 28 (8): 2181-2193 (2019).
- Gruber JJ, Geller B, Lipchik AM, and Chen J, Ram AN, Ford JM and Snyder MP. “HAT1 Drives a Gene-Metabolite Circuit that Links Nutrient Metabolism to Histone Production.” Molecular Cell, 75 (4): 711-724 (2019).
- Lipchik AM, Perez M, Cui W, and Parker, L.L. “Multicolored, Tb3+-Based Antibody-Free Detection of Multiple Tyrosine Kinase Activities.” Analytical Chemistry, 87 (15): 7555-7558 (2015).
- Lipchik AM, Perez M, Bolton S, Cui W, Dumrongprechachan V, and Parker LL. “Pipeline to Develop Phosphorylation-Dependent Terbium Sensitizing Tyrosine Kinase Biosensors.” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(7): 2484-2494 (2015).
- Gui J, Lui B, Cao G, Lipchik AM, Perez M,…, Parker LL, King GF, Zhou Y, Jordt S, and Nitabach MN. “A Tarantual-Venom Peptide Antagonizes the TRPA1 Nociceptor Ion Channel by Binding to the S1-S4 Gating Domain.” Current Biology, 24(5): 473-483 (2014).
- Hu L, Yang L, Lipchik AM, Geahlen RL, Parker LL, and Tao W. “A Quantitative Proteomics-based Competition Binding Assay to Characterize pITAM-Protein Interactions.” Analytical Chemistry, 85(10): 5071-5077 (2013).
- Lipchik AM and Parker LL. “Time-Resolved Luminescence Detection of Syk kinase Activity through Terbium Sensitization.” Analytical Chemistry, 85 (5): 2582-2588 (2013).
- Lipchik AM*, Killins RL*, Geahlen RL, and Parker LL. “A Peptide-based Biosensor Assay to Detect Intracellular Syk Kinase Activation and Inhibition.” Biochemistry, 51 (38): 7515-7524 (2012).
- Martin VA, Wang W, Lipchik AM, Parker LL, He Y, Zhang S, Zhang Z, and Geahlen RL. “Akt2 inhibits the activation of NFAT in lymphocytes by modulating calcium release from intracellular stores.” Cellular Signaling, 24(5): 1064-73 (2012).
- Placzek EA, Plebanek MP, Lipchik AM, Kidd SR and Parker LL. “A peptide biosensor for detecting intracellular Abl kinase activity using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.” Analytical Biochemistry, 397 (1): 73-78 (2010).
*These authors contributed equally to this work
#Co-corresponding author
Conference presentations
Oral Presentations
- Lipchik AM. “Paradoxical action of IgG antibodies on glucose metabolism: pathogenesis and therapeutics.” Frontiers in Diabetes Research Symposium, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. (2020)
- Lipchik AM. “Mitochondrial Respiration as a Scalable Sensor for Longitudinal Monitoring of Insulin Resistance.” Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics (PHIND) Center at Stanford, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. (2020)
- Lipchik AM. “IgG Mediated Suppression of Mitochondrial Respiration as a Surrogate Measure of Insulin Sensitivity.” Frontiers in Diabetes Research Symposium, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA. (2018)
- Lipchik AM and Snyder MP. “Immunoglobulin G Fc Region N-linked Glycosylation as a Clinical Biomarker for Insulin Resistance.” 14th Annual U.S. Human Proteomics Organization Conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA. (2018)
- Lipchik AM, Narasimha AM and Snyder MP. “Evidence of Human Antagonistic Autoantibodies as a Mechanism of Insulin Resistance.” 13th Annual U.S. Human Proteomics Organization Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. (2017)
- Lipchik AM and Parker LL. “Time-Resolved Fluorescence Detection of Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Activity through Lanthanide Sensitization.” 8th Annual U.S. Human Proteomics Organization Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA. (2012).
Poster Presentations
- Lipchik AM, Lee S, Annes JP, and Snyder MP. “The IgG Antibody Paradox in Insulin Resistance: Pathogenic and Therapeutic.” ENDO (2021).
- Lipchik AM, Narasimha AM, and Snyder MP. “Evidence of Human Antagonistic Autoantibodies as a Mechanism of Insulin Resistance.” 13th Annual U.S. Human Proteomics Organization Conference, San Diego, CA, USA. (2017).
- Lipchik AM and Parker LL. “Time-Resolved Luminescent Detection of Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Activity Through Terbium Sensitization.” An AACR Special Conference on Chemical Systems Biology, Boston, MA, USA (2012).
- Lipchik AM and Parker LL. “Time-Resolved Fluorescence Detection of Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Activity through Lanthanide Sensitization.” 8th Annual U.S. Human Proteomics Organization Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA. (2012).
- Lipchik AM, Kumar GVP, Irudayaraj J and Parker LL.“SERS Detection of Abl Kinase Activity by using a Nanoparticle Based Peptide Biosensor.” Department of Defense, Defense Health Program, 6th Era of Hope Conference, Orlando, FL, USA. (2011).
- Lipchik AM, Kumar GVP, Irudayaraj J and Parker LL “Quantification of Kinase Activity Using a Nanoparticle Based Peptide Biosensor.” 6th Annual U.S. Human Proteomics Organization Conference, Denver, CO, USA. (2010).
- Lipchik AM and Davis CM “Oxygen-Activating Nickel(II) Complexes.” 235th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA. (2008).
Courses taught by Andrew Lipchik
Spring-Summer Term 2025 (future)
Winter Term 2025 (current)
- PSC7860 - Introduction to Seminar
- PSC7870 - Second Year Seminar
- PSC7880 - Third Year Seminar
- PSC8888 - Survey of Research at the Chemistry Biology Interface
Fall Term 2024
- PSC7850 - Pharmaceutical Sciences Colloquium
- PSC7860 - Introduction to Seminar
- PSC7870 - Second Year Seminar
- PSC4125 - Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences: Medicinal Chemistry / Pharmacology / Immunology
Spring-Summer Term 2024
- PSC7860 - Introduction to Seminar
- PHA4395 - Research Scholars: Research Development
- PSC5992 - Directed Study in Pharmacology
Winter Term 2024
- PSC7850 - Pharmaceutical Sciences Colloquium
- PSC7860 - Introduction to Seminar
- PSC7870 - Second Year Seminar
- PSC7880 - Third Year Seminar
- PSC8888 - Survey of Research at the Chemistry Biology Interface
Fall Term 2023
- PSC4125 - Introduction to Pharmaceutical Sciences: Medicinal Chemistry / Pharmacology / Immunology
- PSC5992 - Directed Study in Pharmacology
- PSC7850 - Pharmaceutical Sciences Colloquium
- PSC7860 - Introduction to Seminar
- PSC7870 - Second Year Seminar