Get involved

Provide hands-on training

Become a mentor

The WSU Applebaum Alumni Mentorship Program debuted at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year to provide a meaningful alumni-student engagement opportunity. The program matches students with WSU Applebaum alumni — whether living locally or overseas, early into their career or retired — to provide industry insight and offer invaluable guidance. Read more about the program and apply to participate.

Pharmacy and Physician Assistant Studies alumni may also contact their programs directly. Reach out to Lynette Moser (pharmacy practice) or Mary Jo Pilat (PAS) to learn more about specific needs.

Wayne State opportunities

The Wayne State University Alumni Association offers numerous volunteer opportunities through the Warriors Together Alumni Volunteer Program. The program is focused on creating a personalized experience for each volunteer, with opportunities organized by four unique focus areas that reflect Wayne State's mission, vision and values.

Alumni volunteers make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and in our community, and they can find purpose through a collaborative network that supports pharmacy and health sciences education in Detroit.

In addition to exploring university-wide opportunities, be sure to work with your volunteer coordinator if you'd like to focus your service on the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Volunteer opportunities