Academic advisors collecting school supplies and toiletries for Detroit schools
The WSU Academic Advising Community has partnered with Detroit Public Schools and the AAUP-AFT Local 6075 for a spring/summer service project by collecting classroom supplies for two specific Detroit schools - Burton International Academy and Golightly Education Center.
The supplies listed below may be dropped off in the box outside the WSU Applebaum Student Affairs Office through August 16:
There is a box labeled outside of the Office of Student Affairs, Room 1600, to drop any donations. Supplies will be collected until August 16, 2019.
If you wish to make a monetary donation instead of purchasing supplies, personal checks will be accepted. Please make check payable to AAUP-AFT, Local 6075, and write "Detroit Schools" in the memo portion of the check. You can give checks to Robert Hellar in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 1600.