Apple Days Broadens Career Horizons for Middle Schoolers

Middle school students from five Detroit public schools experienced a fun, fast-paced educational glimpse into exciting careers in the health sciences at "Apple Days."

Hosted and sponsored by the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (EACPHS), Wayne State University (WSU), the half-day program on April 15 exposed approximately 80 students with interests in science to careers in Anatomic Pathology, Nurse Anesthesia, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, and Physical Therapy.

"Through this program, we are reaching 7th and 8th graders who are beginning to explore career options and thinking about the education needed to achieve those career goals," said Beverly J. Schmoll, EACPHS dean. "In addition, we are tapping students who have expressed an interest in science, nurturing and guiding that interest toward the health sciences professions and, hopefully, to continue their education at our WSU college."

The EACPHS pilot project provides a unique opportunity to educate beyond the traditional classroom. "Apple Days'' is designed to offer interactive exercises, led by EACPHS students and faculty. Groups of 15 to 20 students are rotated every 30 minutes into one of five, concurrent programs.

In Anatomic Pathology, students observe demonstrations of surgical instruments used in autopsies. Physical Therapy allows students to measure their grip strength with a hand Dynamometer. In Occupational Therapy, the middle schoolers experience assistive devices, such as the one-hand button aid, to help those who are physically challenged. Nurse Anesthesia takes students into the Human Patient Simulator Complex where student anesthetists practice on a life-size, programmed simulator mannequin. Pharmacy broadens understanding of pharmacists as more than dispensers of medicine, but scientists and researchers.

"The 'Apple Days' project is the college's inaugural program to expose Detroit Public School students to diverse health care careers, while at the same time teaching healthy behaviors," said Mary K. Clark, assistant dean of the Office of Student and Alumni Affairs and facilitator of the program.

Students participating in the first "Apple Days" program are from Detroit's Bates Academy, Bethune Duffield School, Golightly Educational Center, Malcolm X Academy, and Paul Roberson Academy. Future "Apple Days" programs will be open to students from other area middle and high schools.

The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences offers more than 25 degrees and certificates through 12 health science programs. These programs are Clinical Laboratory Science, Mortuary Science, Nurse Anesthesia, Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant Studies, Radiation Therapy Technology, Radiologist Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice.

Parents or students interested in information on the academic programs of the college should contact the EACPHS Office of Student and Alumni Affairs at (313) 577-1716, e-mail: or go to the EACPHS website at

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The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, a founding college of Wayne State University, is committed to advancing the health and well-being of society through the preparation of highly skilled health care practitioners, and through research to improve health care practices and treatment from the urban to global levels.
Wayne State University is a world class institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 11 schools and colleges to more than 33,000 students in metropolitan Detroit.

Media Contact: Kathleen J. Karas, APR
Voice: (313) 5772312
Fax: (313) 577-0457

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