Call for photos and videos: Work, talent and hope

As many of us settle into our personal HQs and acclimate to working and teaching remotely, it's more important than ever that we stay connected and keep our spirits up. To that end, we are asking for your photo or video contributions in three online realms.

Postcards from home

Take a peek inside a few WSU Applebaum remote workspaces, then show us yours. Snap a photo of your home office - from well-established to totally improvised - and your utterly unqualified coworkers (i.e., pets and family members of all ages). And feel free to make it fun: Did your cat photobomb your Zoom lecture? Send in a screenshot or clip and let's all laugh together.

Talent show

The curtain just went up on a college-wide virtual talent show, with Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Joseph Roche up first - bravo! Now it's your turn to entertain and inspire us. Follow Roche's lead and record yourself singing, showing off your dog's latest trick, telling a joke or offering an encouraging message.

The front lines

You are the helpers, the people that inspire and comfort others in unknown situations. Show us your work in action so we can let our community know that WSU Applebaum is prepared and committed to doing our part. We would love to share photos of the great work you are doing, keeping an eye to patient privacy.

â–º Please send your original photos and videos to
OneDrive or Google Drive links work best for large files. Everyone in the WSU Applebaum community - faculty, students, staff - is welcome to participate.

Thank you for helping us shine out a few rays of hope during our current somber situation. Despite social distancing, we just might feel closer to one another once we return to campus.

Stay well!

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