Dean Cathy Lysack on the #Strike4BlackLives
Dear College Friends,
This is a rare moment in history. So much of society has looked injustice in the eye and recognized that we cannot go back to the way things were before. In all sectors of society, people know in their hearts that things are not right - and that they must be made right. We have reached a tipping point. Something must change.
Today's Strike for Black Lives in the STEM and scientific research communities counts among its organizers Wayne State's own Dr. Nausheen Shah, a theoretical particle physicist who does research on the Higgs boson and dark matter. I'm proud to be part of something so big that had its seed in Detroit and at Wayne State. This speaks to who we are as an institution - and, as members of the university community, we are all part of it.
One idea can change everything. The Particles for Justice group had the idea for today's strike. Because of them, I am able to share with you their incredible list of resources aimed to inform and educate us all about what Black Lives Matter is really about - and how deep are its roots.
For all the pain that is being released in the world right now, this is also a chance for a new beginning, and one that must be nurtured so it grows.
Here at the college, we are committed to doing our part. I invite you to join our facilitated dialogue on racism this Friday, June 12, at 11:30 a.m. on Zoom. I am eager to listen to your thoughts and experiences, and to hear your insights and ideas for moving our college forward. Faculty, staff and students have received log in credentials via email or may RSVP here.
It's not enough to notice; it's not enough to care. We must act. And the act doesn't have to be big. It can be a pause in your day, a moment of reflection. It can be taking today's strike as an opportunity to inform yourself by reading an article or book on this list. It can be listening to your colleagues and peers at Friday's dialogue, or speaking up so they can hear you.
We must be part of the change we want to see in the world - and we must start now. We have a shared commitment to keep it going.
Thank you,
Dean Cathy Lysack
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Wayne State University