EACPHS Board of Visitors offers total of $8,000 in competitive scholarship opportunities

Applications for the Board of Visitors (BOV) of the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (EACPHS) third annual competitive scholarships are now being accepted. Two scholarships will be awarded to EACPHS students in the amount of $3,000 and two for $1,000. The deadline for submitting application is Wednesday, Dec. 4.

In addition to the application and letters of recommendation, a short YouTube video is required. Links for these requirements may be found at the end of this announcement.

Who is eligible?

Eligible to apply for the BOV Scholarship are full-time EACPHS students with a minimum academic excellence (GPA) of 3.0 entering the final year/semester of their program in summer or fall 2014. Each applicant must demonstrate leadership qualities, show involvement in student professional organizations or the community, serve as an ambassador of the College and the program, and exhibit a commitment to their profession.

Each applicant must receive two recommendations, complete a scholarship application, and produce a short YouTube video by Dec. 4 (Wednesday). The scholarship recipient also must attend the Donors and Scholars Luncheon in May and one meeting of the Board of Visitors in 2014.

Application Process

Applications are to be completed and submitted by Dec. 4 (Wednesday) to one of the following:

● Tiffany Cusmano, Dean's Administrative Suite, 2nd floor,
Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
● Anita Knight, Main Office/Room 114, Mortuary Science Building
● Kathy Kath, Henry Ford Hospital, WC 335.

Applications will be reviewed by the program and applications of the top candidates from each program will be forwarded to the EACPHS Development Director Tiffany Cusmano.

These applications then will be submitted to the Board of Visitors for review and recommendations for three final candidates for final selection by the Dean and/or his designee(s). The recipients of the Board of Visitors Annual Scholarship will be selected in February 2014. The official presentation of the scholarship will be made at the annual Donors and Scholars Awards and Luncheon in May 2014.

An application for the Board of Visitors Annual Scholarship program may be obtained by clicking the below link. Any questions regarding this scholarship or application, please contact Tiffany Cusmano at tcusmano@wayne.edu or (313) 577-0273.

Links to online forms:
Application Form and Instructions
Letter of Recommendation Form
YouTube Instructions

NOTE: Must download each form before adding data.

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