Interim Dean Cathy Lysack announces Dean's List for Fall 2014 semester

Interim Dean Cathy Lysack is pleased to announce the Dean's List for the Fall 2014 semester. The Dean's List honors undergraduate students who complete six to 11 credit hours and achieve a 4.00 GPA and students who complete 12 or more credits and achieve a GPA of 3.70 or higher for the semester. The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences congratulates the following students on their achievement and for their commitment to academic excellence:

Sarah E. Adams Maricar P. Gener Kelsey K. Paternoster
Hilary Anne Aggeler Meagan E. Guertin Jacobe Javonte Payne
Donald B. Akers Molly Jean Hahn Michaela E. Pelton
Nicholas C. Albertson Shahad Hanna-Kachl Chet A. Privett
Ahlam Abdulraham Almulaiki Jessica L. Hodgins Brandy D. Rademacher
Ridha Abdul Alwhysee Noora Hussein Jenna G. Rafferty
Katherine E. Ash Maranda K. Ireland-Smith Hubert D. Raszewski
Widad D. Asoufy Jake A. Kanowski Aaron N. Richards
Nalda F. Bally Rana Karcho Christina M. Robinson
Jennifer M. Beres Mira Mohamad Khazaal Erin E. Rodes
Erica M. Berghoff Amanda A. Kokas Kathlene M. Rodgers
Leila Berjaoui Russell P. Koppin Briana E. Rosinski
Stephanie A. Bogner Jennifer M. Kushner Amber M. Roy
Kassandra E. Bradley Alicia M. Kuzia Jilliann T. Rutherford
Danielle Bresso Kristen M. Kwiatkowski Danielle M. Seevers
Kelly Lynn Bridge Olivia A. Kwiatkowski Candace R. Sheena
Rachael E. Bushe Angela M. Longfellow Lauren N. Showler
Nadin Chamalia Kristen Rene Lutsch Lauren N. Shumaker
Zaynab N. Chaughari Mirna H. Mahmoud Erin Renee Skotzke
Lanee A. Cotton Jenan R. Mardini Heather M. Stebbeds
Samantha L. Dankovic Ruby S. Matthews-Cox Elliott T. Terry
Jennifer Lynn Davis Melanie A. Minard Kathryn E. Thornsberry
Hilary M. Diacono Nathan S. Missler Ling S. Vuong
Sarah E. Dill Rebekah Ann Mohney Ronza Waheeda
Steven J. Dimambro Katie Rose Murphy Jessica L. Weaver
Amber L. Dreon Eliza N. Nasaudeanu Natalie Wendeln
Gabriele N. Ducharme Michelle Rae Nash Sarah Kay Wojciechowski
Nicole Duncan Nesibe Nazarko Julie G. Wrobbel
Natasha L. Falls Duong Thuy Nguyen Scott R. Young
Marissa M. Ford Vasilios Niphoratos Rui Zhuang
Vita M. Garrisi Bisma Parvez Megan R. Zimberg

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