Nurse Anesthesia students win state Quiz Bowl tournament
On Oct. 5, 2019, WSU Applebaum Nurse Anesthesia students participated in the Quiz Bowl at the Michigan Association of Nurse Anesthetists (MANA) fall conference in Grand Rapids. The team consisted of Justin Bielby, Lauren Krall, Adrienne Osborne, Layale Makki and Ryan Twilley, who competed through two rounds to advance to the championship round against the University of Detroit Mercy. With one question to go, WSU was down one, and correctly answered the final question. The tie-breaker question asked about pathological Q waves, which was exactly what the senior Nurse Anesthesia students had learned about the prior week in Assistant Clinical Professor Valdor Haglund's class! The team answered correctly and won the Quiz Bowl trophy. Congratulations, WSU Applebaum Quiz Bowl team!