Omicron Chapter Leads Walk Through Historic Downtown Detroit
Wayne State University's student Omicron Chapter of Lambda Kappa Sigma (LKS) International Pharmacy Fraternity is leading LKS convention attendees on a fundraising 3.1-mile walk through historic Downtown Detroit on Saturday, July 30. The walk begins at 8 a.m., starting and ending at convention headquarters the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit.
The Omicron Chapter and the national LKS Project Hope committee are sponsoring the "HOPE waLKS" to support Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere), which provides U.S. and global humanitarian assistance and programs to develop long-term sustainable health care. Donations for "HOPE waLKS" are raised through the entry fee and from the generosity of LKS members, alumni, friends and Metro Detroit businesses.
Through the efforts of the Omicron Chapter, LKS is holding its annual convention, Wednesday (July 27) through Saturday (July 30), in Detroit. The WSU collegiate chapter, with assistance from the Alpha Iota Chapter of Ferris State University, is hosting more than 150 student pharmacists, alumni and friends this week.
Lambda Kappa Sigma is an international, professional pharmacy fraternity promoting professional growth and development in the field of pharmacy with emphasis on women's health issues. Established in 1913, LKS has grown to more than 22,000 members, with 44 campus chapters and 36 alumni groups chartered internationally.
The Omicron Chapter in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State was chartered in the early 1930s. Its members are active in providing professional programs, community service and leadership while achieving academic excellence in Wayne State's doctor of pharmacy program.
The Detroit City Council honored the Omicron Chapter with a testimonial resolution, citing the student pharmacists for their commitment to bolster the city of Detroit among their LKS colleagues and dedication to professional leadership, academic excellence and community service enhancing the community.
The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, one of the founding colleges of Wayne State University, is committed to advancing the health and well-being of society through the preparation of highly skilled health care practitioners, and through research to improve health care practices and treatment from urban to global levels.
Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering more than 400 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to nearly 32,000 students.