Pathologists' Assistant Diversity Initiative to host discussion on identifying and addressing microaggressions in health care

The WSU Applebaum Pathologists' Assistant Diversity Initiative is pleased to welcome WSU Office of Multicultural Student Engagement Interim Director Stephanie Hawkes, who will lead a discussion on microaggressions. Join the student org on Zoom for:

Identifying and Addressing Microaggressions for Health Care Workers
Presented by Dr. Stephanie Hawkes
Friday, March 25
1-2 p.m. Eastern

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You may be asking, "What are microaggressions? How do they affect my coworkers or my colleagues? What can I do to address these situations?"

Stephanie Hawkes
WSU OMSE Interim Director Stephanie Hawkes

During this virtual talk with Dr. Hawkes, participants will learn to identify microaggressive statements, behavior and actions, and discuss how health care professionals can respond to these interactions in a safe, supportive and productive way.

Hosted by the PAA Diversity Initiative, this talk is aimed to be inclusive and educational for all, whether you have experienced microaggressions yourself, seen these acts secondhand and didn't know how to respond, or are working to become a better health care ally to your peers and patients. Please join the converation and bring any questions you may have regarding this topic!

RSVP for details

The PAA Diversity Initiative was founded in the wake of the George Floyd protests of 2020 as a small group of PAA students sought a safe space during that difficult time to discuss issues of diversity, race, equity and inclusion. Along with open-floor discussions, the officers began to host guest speakers to provide awareness, education and exposure to topics that are not often encountered in program courses or standard medical education. Speakers have presented on topics such as disability awareness, intersectionality, diversity in the funeral profession, and transgender missing persons research.

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