Pharmacy Practice Assistant Professor Brittany Stewart and APhA-ASP to receive Generation Rx Champions Award Feb. 27
Brittany Stewart, Pharm.D., R.D., assistant professor (clinical) in the Department of Pharmacy Practice of the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, and the Wayne State University chapter of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) will receive the 2016 Generation Rx Champions Award from the Michigan Pharmacists Association (MPA) on Saturday, Feb. 27. The presentation will take place during the annual banquet and awards ceremony at the MPA's Annual Convention and Exposition, which is scheduled to be held at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center.
This is the second year the MPA and Cardinal Health Foundation have presented the Generation Rx Champions award, which recognizes a pharmacist who has demonstrated excellence in community-based prescription drug abuse prevention. The award honors those who have promoted collaboration and exhibited innovation and creativity in their efforts to raise awareness about this serious public health problem to target audiences, including youth, parents and senior citizens. The award recipient receives a $500 donation to the charity of his/her choice.
A co-advisor for the APhA-ASP chapter, Stewart participated in 2014-2015 Michigan Pharmacy Foundation Leadership Academy and focused her year-long leadership project on Generation Rx initiatives. She and the APhA-ASP Generation Rx Committee plan and implement numerous activities aimed at raising awareness about prescription drug abuse and prevention in metropolitan Detroit. Student pharmacists provide information to WSU faculty and students and the public at community events, including immunization clinics and health fairs. They also collaborate with local agencies to raise awareness about the dangers of nonmedical use of prescription drugs.
Last year, the APhA-ASP developed several initiatives - many of which were held at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - in partnership with the Love Detroit Prevention Coalition (LDPC), a community-based substance abuse prevention organization. In April, Generation Rx and the LDPC hosted "Medication Generation: Just Say Know," a peer-to-peer educational program aimed at helping Detroit adolescents understand risks associated with prescription drug abuse. WSU student pharmacists led interactive activities, including a "Family Feud"-style game, "pharm" party, skits, role-playing scenarios, and drunk driving simulations. In August, Generation Rx students presented the "Truth Fairy" to youth and parents at a back-to-school fair on Belle Isle in Detroit. Other events held in partnership with the LDPC included community key leader roundtable discussions and educational seminars.