Wayne State IPhO chapter places 8th in national VIP Case Competition
Out of 65 teams representing pharmacy schools from across the United States, Wayne State University's chapter of the Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO) is proud to have placed eighth in the prestigious 2022 Value of Industry Pharmacists (VIP) Case Competition.
The VIP Case Competition is developed, managed and evaluated by IPhO and the National Fellows Council (NFC) and highlights the key roles and contributions of industry pharmacists within the drug development process. It is the signature IPhO professional development program that is offered annually to challenge student pharmacist teams to design a cohesive drug development and commercialization plan for a theoretical new molecular entity.
Teams were given the hypothetical case scenario of a recently discovered biologic entity that showed promise as a treatment for Alzheimer's disease. The novel drug was a monoclonal antibody directed against tau proteins. As research suggests that Alzheimer's-related brain changes may result from a complex interplay among abnormal tau and beta-amyloid proteins, VIP Case Competition teams were tasked with planning the steps of bringing their new biological entity to market, making sure to highlight four key functional areas: Clinical Development, Regulatory Affairs, Medical Affairs and Marketing/Market Access.
An overarching goal in the VIP Case Competition is for participants to demonstrate the Value of Industry Pharmacists by highlighting the many key roles and contributions of industry pharmacists within the drug development process. Wayne State University's IPhO team (pictured above) was comprised of Bhargav Kovuru, Joseph Paul Javier, Lucas Crum, Jovan Lozo, Karli Pelaccio, Jasmine John and recent graduate Fadi Manuel.
"This accomplishment is a milestone for us, as we established our chapter just over a year ago and this was the first time Wayne State IPhO competed in the VIP Case Competition," said Chapter President Joseph Paul Javier. "The competition offers IPhO chapters an opportunity to participate in a national event that encourages student pharmacists to hone their critical thinking skills, promote teamwork and foster leadership development. It taught our team some of the core elements involved in drug development, ultimately producing a cohesive plan to bring a theoretical new molecular entity from 'bench to bedside.' Our chapter is excited to join the competition again. We are currently building a new team to compete in the next cohort of the VIP Case Competition."
How to join IPhO and the VIP Case Competition
Wayne State University's IPhO will be holding an informational session in Room 0340 of the Applebaum Building on Monday, Oct. 10, from 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. to discuss the 2022-23 VIP Case Competition background, as well as open leadership positions available for P1 and P2 students interested in learning more about industry pharmacy. For more information on IPhO membership as well as joining the upcoming VIP Case Competition, please email WSU IPhO President-Elect Ronith Murali.
About us
The Doctor of Pharmacy program at Wayne State University is a four-year curriculum in the heart of Detroit. Approximately 100 students are enrolled in each year of the program. WSU Applebaum information meetings for prospective students take place at 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month. The application process for the Doctor of Pharmacy program begins each July.
An anchor in urban health care
The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is built on more than 100 years of tradition and innovation in the heart of Detroit. We have grown deep roots in our city, harnessing its powerhouse hospital systems and community service organizations as vibrant, real-world training grounds for students, with an ongoing focus on social justice in health care. And our research at all levels - from undergraduates to veteran faculty members - translates into creative solutions for healthier communities.
Wayne State University is a premier urban research institution offering approximately 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 25,000 students.