Financial sustainability and operational excellence
Develop and/or grant access to dashboards for health sciences and pharmacy disciplines
- Objective 17a: Grant access and train administrative leaders and their support personnel in the use of University dashboards used for tracking its programs.
- Objective 17b: Create standardized on-demand financial reporting documents that can be readily accessed by administrative leaders and their support personnel.
- Objective 17c: Create training programs/procedures for faculty to rapidly access up-to-date data financial reports for grants.
- Objective 17d: Create pathways for faculty to rapidly access data related to credit hour production and teaching activities.
To consistently assess teaching faculty loads using program-specific parameters
- Objective 18a: Annually generate teaching reports for all faculty measuring credit hours, classes, interprofessional offerings, contact and experiential hours and vet data with chair and faculty.
- Objective 18b: Annually assess credit hour generation per program, based on faculty numbers and assigned duties.
- Objective 18c: Annually assess number of students directly mentored by faculty.
Consistently assess administrative and academic staff workloads and standards, reward high-achieving performance, and allow for flexibility based on goal-based metrics
- Objective 19a: Annually assess administrative staff-to-faculty ratios and align to program needs and resources.
- Objective 19b: Annually assess administrative staff morale and engagement using focus groups and surveys.
- Objective 19c: Identify, recognize and reward high achieving administrative staff.
- Objective 19d: Annually assess academic staff workload and align with program and College needs and resources.
- Objective 19e: Annually assess administrative and academic staff morale and engagement using focus groups and surveys.
Develop training and development plans to enhance the effectiveness and career development of College staff
- Objective 20a: Regularly provide an updated list of training modules and opportunities for administrative staff.
- Objective 20b: Ensure that administrative and academic staff have protected time for attending training and development opportunities.
- Objective 20c: Develop and conduct college-led training opportunities focused on administrative and academic staff needs.
- Objective 20d: Ensure that annual reviews are formative, aligned with written job descriptions, and that staff have documented opportunities for responses.
- Objective 20e: Develop an onboarding and training manual(s) for all new college administrative and academic staff.